Monday, June 18, 2012

Here is a list of addons that I use, you do not have to get all of them, however some are crucial to play wow.Deadly Boss Mods (DBM)- this is a MUST HAVE FOR RAIDING, it displays timers for when bosses do stuff, as well as warnings if you are doing something wrong.

GatherMate- If you gather (mining, herbalism) this is a good addon. Its displays every possible location you can find an herb or ore.

ArkInventory- Opens up all bags at once into one giant box, as well as bank and guild bank. Tells you where items are ie: bank, bag, or another character. Also has a search bar to find specific items in ur bags.

AtlasLoot- If you want to know where a piece of gear comes from this is helpful. Shows you currency needed for any piece of gear and where it comes from.

Auctioneer- Makes browsing the AH a lot easier.

BuyEmAll- tired of buying a max stack of 20? Get this addon to buy 500 or 1000 or 356 of some item (you can type in what ever number u want.

HealBot- THIS IS NOT A BOT, its a unit frame for healers. There are also other healing addons this one is just very simple.

mailget- When you have a lot of mail click one button and it opens everything for you.

Recount- tracks all damage, healing, deaths, dispells, anything you want and puts it in a chart. Often in game you get asked whats ur DPS or HPS.

Shadowed Unit Frames- My favorite unit frames, people also like Xpearl.

Silver Dragon- For those who want to hunt rare monsters.

Slam Alert- Screen flashes when stuff procs.

Underachiever- Fakes ALL achievments so you can link one to get into a raid.

WIM (wow istant messenger)- Opens up chat boxes for each person you whisper. Also saves every whisper ever sent.

WHEN DOWNLOADING ADDONS MAKE SURE U GET THE 3.3.5 VERSION OF THE ADDON, go to if that doesnt have the addon go to