Tuesday, March 27, 2012

      So this is almost a two for one deal on this video. Today I cover the character creation relatively quickly and then a quick first look at the starting zone.

Humans: Standard human class nothing special about them
Castanic: Basically a mix between human and elf instead of long ears they have weird horns
Aman: Giant brawlers, best used for as a lancer because they are big
Popori: A not male not female bear / ferret / cute animal mix
Elin: Female only class, basically a little girl, very funny to watch in combat
Baraka: People made of stone, males only
High Elf: Humans with big ears lol

Warrior: Duel wielding swords, wears leather and tanks by dodge and jumping
Lancer: Face roll tank just stand there and takes no damage has giant shield and lance
Slayer: Two handed sword wielding that wears leather for fast mobility
Beserker: Two handed axe, has a lot of area of effect damage
Sorcerer: Typical mage from any MMO
Archer: Bow and arrow with leather gear, one of the easier classes in TERA
Priest: Great healer
Mystic: Healer that summons pets to help heal and buff, needed more often the priests
      A really cool feature that this game has that not many other do is that you can make any race and class combination you have. There are no limits you can make an elin (the small girl) and make her your tank! It does not matter.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

      Alright guys its finally here! The second TERA video! Last night I was running the first dungeon with my friends, The Bastion of Lok. The dungeon has multiple rooms with trash mobs in them, then two bosses one in the middle, and one to the end.
     The first boss was really easy, and then i turned around to realize we only completed phase one... Turn around and bam a giant molten rock elemental thing comes out of no where. He is very annoying because you can only really DPS from behind. He is constantly doing a cleave and throwing stuff in front of him.
    It only takes about 20-30 minutes to finish the whole dungeon. Most of the time spent is fighting bosses. Traveling through the dungeon is easy because the mobs are, well easy. Whats really cool about TERA is that all the bosses are HUGE! Each one has its own unique design as well, there are very few creatures / bosses that share the same model.
    The last boss was a pain in the butt because we didn't kill the last room we went straight to the boss. If you don't kill everything in the dungeon it comes running to you when you attack the final boss... oops.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

NEW VIDEO... coming soon!
Im rendering a video right now but its going to take about 40 minutes, gotta love the HD. This is my first dungeon video for TERA. Its called "The Bastion of Lok." If I don't get it up tonight then I will have it up bright and early don't worry.

Friday, March 23, 2012

    So after some quick playing i was able to pull together a little something to release right now. I know its bad, the others will be better! I was a little rushed because there was so much I wanted to say, but i did not want to make a long video out of it.
    Pretty much I explained how the combat works in the game. You attack what ever is in front of you, no tab targeting like WOW, Rift, LOTR, or other MMORPG's. This brings a totally new play style to this game. Every object acts as a solid object so there is no running through bosses, mobs, or even players. It requires more skill to find out what the mobs are doing because there are NO CAST TIMERS. That's right! For example in WOW you could get an addon that would tell you ok boss is casting frostbolt in 10 seconds. But in TERA you have to know ok. hes moving his hands like that here comes a frost bolt, or ok the boss is charging up move to the sides. It creates a totally new play style that has never really been done before.
    TERA did a wonderful job with the art as well. They took there time in making MANY different creates and bosses. No more killing boars at level 1, now you can kill giant golems and stuff that's on fire! I will be making a video of the starting zone so everyone can check it out
    What I would like to do is get a video on the first dungeon, a battle ground, and the starting zone, and maybe something else? If you have any requests please leave a comment!
   All weekend I will be recording my gameplay. I really want to put out about four videos for everyone, one on the starting area, another on the customizable UI, another for a dungeon, and a battleground. I'm going to be playing all weekend and hopefully putting out videos sunday or monday, so get ready!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

   This is an old clip from retail wow but I figured I would share it with you guys. This was one of my alts a goblin shaman named Mcpuff. Have you ever been in Eye of the Storm and gotten knocked off the cliff by a shaman? Well I was tired of that happening to me so I decided to troll back. See the annoying thing about this is when you fall off the map you have to wait to fall to your death. Another added bonus is your armour takes durability damage and you have to pay for it.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

    Yeah I know its not a gaming video, but there is something cool about this! Found this guy on YouTube who makes AWESOME Dubstep (as featured in this video) So basically he has a couple of remixes of songs that he found, some original stuff, and more on the way.
         Check out his channel here! http://www.youtube.com/user/PWhiteyBojanglez/featured
     So about this video lol. I went skiing this past winter with a bunch of friends and got a GoPro HD HERO 2. Let me tell you this camera is SICK! Shoots in crystal clear HD and very easy to use. I bought a 16gig memory card for the camera and barely filled it. The camera is so easy to mount too. 
    This why my first attempt at trying to land a hand drag, and as you can tell it did not turn out well. Basically  a hand drag is when u dive backwards and slide your hands along the knuckle of a ramp. I could't get my legs up enough and well you can see what happens. At least i had a pretty awesome bail!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

This is a video I made up explaining how to obtain Emblems of the Black Demon on the private server Eternal -  Wow http://eternal-wow.com/
First off you need two macros

splitting macro
/run local g,e=0;g={GetContainerItemInfo(0,1)} e={GetContainerItemInfo(0,2)} if string.find(g[7],"200000G") and e[2]==nil then SplitContainerItem(0,1,1) PickupContainerItem(0,2) end

Buying macro
/run local g=0;g={GetContainerItemInfo(0,2)} if string.find(g[7],"200000G") and g[2]==1 then UseContainerItem(0,2) for n=1,GetMerchantNumItems() do if GetMerchantItemInfo(n)=="Emblem of the Black Demon" then BuyMerchantItem(n,1) end end end

   Make sure to put them in TWO SEPARATE macro's
   Next step put all you gold bars in the FIRST (1) slot of you back pack, making sure the SECOND (2) slot is EMPTY. Simple click the split macro once, then the buy macro, and boom you bought an emblem easily.
   Why should i bother with the macro? Because if you don't macro then you have to split each one by hand and that gets tedious when you can simple push two buttons.

          Hello everyone and welcome to Mcpuff's Game Strategy blog. I have been gaming for about 10 years now, and wanted to start giving back to the community. Very first game i ever played was Unreal Tournament back in 2002. I have played a wide variety of games from PC, to Xbox, from RTS to MMORPG's. Games like Star Craft, World of Warcraft, Call of Duty, Fall out 3, Warhammer, and the list goes on...
         Basically i want to give back to the gaming community by creating videos and posts. I want to cover a lot such as startegys for games, gameplay of new and upcoming games, and even game reviews. The newest game that I am going to start with is TERA. It is currently in BETA which i have a key for. I will write about gameplay, the UI, the feel of the game compared to other MMO's and much more.
        Have anything you want me to try out? Leave a comment or message me with a request!